More Variety, More Creativity

Second collection, woohoo! More variety, more creativity :D

WR01 (white-red)
Rp 195,000
WA07 (dark purple), WA04 (tosca), WA06 (red)
Rp 195,000
WA05 (baby pink)
Rp 195,000
BP01 (black-stripes)
Rp 195,000
WP02 (white-squares), BP02 (black-squares)
Rp 195,000
BP04 (black-stripes ii), BP03 (diamond)
Rp 195,000

For your information, now to improve our service, we provide you with a six-month warranty. Starting from the day you purchase our products.

To order, simply contact us to or @Artyvek.