After our grand launching yesterday (7/01) at Prasetiya Mulya Business School, it's official now that we're on the market. Yaayyy! You guys can place your order now by simply sending an email to and be more updated by following us on twitter (@Artyvek).
For some of you who don't know what Artyvek is let us give you a brief explanation about what we're all about :)
We're an art-and-tyvek based business that deverlops the usage of tyvek. What is tyvek? Tyvek is a type of fancy paper made out of polyethylene fiber. It's waterproof and tear-proof. Also, it can be easily drawn on.
Now, for our first product, we're launching a watch with tyvek strap. We have a wide variety of designs from which you can choose. We'll post more pictures for you to see. Soon.